Exterior House Painting in Valencia
Exterior House Painters You Can Rely On
On the exterior of your home, a professional paint job translates to beauty and elegance, but it also does much more; paint is a barrier against the elements that attack the integrity of your house. Since 1987, ALLBRiGHT PAINTING has been beautifying, enhancing, and restoring homes in the Santa Clarita Valley. Based out of Valencia, we are happy to provide exterior painting in SCV, SFV, Ventura, and the entire LA area.
Our Complete Exterior Painting Services:
- Stucco & Concrete
- Brick & Stone
- Wood, Composite & Vinyl Siding
- Doors & Windows
- Fascia & Eaves
- Rain Gutters & Metal Flashing
- Garage Doors & Entry Doors
- Wood & Vinyl Shutters
- Architectural Woodwork
- Decks, Railings & Patio Covers
- Wrought Iron Fences, Railings
- Perimeter Walls
Our Staining & Finishing Options for Natural Wood Surfaces:
- Siding
- Thresholds
- Decks & Rails
- Doors & Windows
- Complete Stripping
- Staining & Refinishing
- Solid Body & Semi-Transparent Stains
- Custom Stains & Antique Finishes
- Hardwood & Softwoods
Our Metal Finishes:
We’re Obsessed with your Happiness
"That’s why we create Painting Happiness™ experiences that transform your property, protect your investments and make every project ALLBRiGHT." -Josh Abramson, Founder & CEO
Real Reviews from ALLBRiGHT Clients
If you’re looking for any painting work to be done, you will be extremely happy with these guys.- Brian K.
We are very pleased with Allbright Painting and will recommend them and use them again.- Michael S.
All Bright painting is a very professional and prompt service they said they were going to be out on time and they were actually ahead of schedule by one week!- Mark G.
The entire Allbright team was fantastic and the only thing I would hear from the board members and homeowner members is that their work was 'superb'!!- Frank J.
The floor looks outstanding - it is clean, bright, crack and gouge free - I couldn’t be more pleased.- Terry Y.
Hector was responsive to requests and was easy to deal with.- Jason D.
Every area looks bright and fresh, and we couldn’t be more pleased with his work.- Diane S.
Not only were they courteous, professional, and prompt, but they saw the job through until we were 100% satisfied.- Drew K.
Don't Worry! Everything's Going to be ALLBRiGHT
Learn more about what we've been doing for more than 35 years to provide happy & helpful service to clients across LA!
You'll be the hero when you prioritize safety, communication, professionalism, clean prep work, time sensitive scheduling and quality results. With ALLBRiGHT on your team, we'll put our 35 years of award-winning experience to work for a job well done - and done on time.